Sunday, May 31st, is Pentecost Sunday. The Cabinet of the Greater Northwest Area has invited several churches across the Greater Northwest to offer virtual worship and we are invited to join them online. With at least one church from each district, the chosen hosts include a variety of worship styles from faith communities serving diverse communities.

On this day, when we remember the Holy Spirit descending upon the disciples gathered “all together in one place,” it is fitting for local churches to gather together. In the season of COVID-19, it is fitting for the “gathering” to take place virtually. The miracle will be that the people will hear and understand each other, even though separated by great distances. Joining with another church for Pentecost will offer respite for many pastors who have stretched to lead worship virtually for many weeks at the same time they have tended to the needs of congregations and community members during this extraordinary time of uncertainty and anxiety. And it can be a powerful experience of the power of the Holy Spirit to evoke community among people who do not know each other – yet.

Worship leaders in the following local churches offer their hospitality as a gift to their colleagues and to the members of other Greater Northwest Area local churches. Below you can find a list of these locations, their worship information including times and URLs for members of other local churches to join them. Each one is but a click away.

Bishop Elaine JW Stanovsky and Pastor Craig Pesti-Strobel

Alaska Conference

Homer United Methodist Church

Worship Instructions: This Pentecost, join us as we explore how Church Is Dangerous. Worship with us on Facebook Sundays @ 11:00 AM AST

Oregon-Idaho Conference

Cascadia District

Open Door Churches (Salem/Keizer area)
Worship Instructions: Sunday mornings at 10 AM PDT all are invited to join us via our Open Door Churches Facebook page ( or our YouTube channel (

Columbia District

Portland First United Methodist Church

On Pentecost, May 31, Rev. Josh Kingsley will preach on “God’s Fire in Our World”.
Worship Instructions: Worship is live-streamed every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM PST and can be found on our YouTube channel by going to You can download the bulletin by Friday, May 29, for a more interactive experience ( For more information contact the church office, 503-228-3195.

Crater Lake District

Wesley United Methodist Church
Worship Instructions: Join others as we watch the service together. We’ll be doing a Facebook Premiere, so we can all watch the service together at 10 AM PST on May 31.

Sage District

Joseph United Methodist Church

Worship Instructions: The Bell is ringing! It’s time for worship. Get something to eat and drink, and light a candle as we break bread and worship together. Click on the YouTube playlist for this week (pre-recorded) and let’s worship together at any time!


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“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (Colossians 4:6).